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I have been absent for a month. Now back in the world of the well. I have prints to finish, thoughts and threads to pick up – time to start sewing/sowing again.

Broad bean and runner bean seeds are sprouting. Seed potatoes and onion sets are waiting for a sunny day to be planted.

I have to arrange a couple of days to complete my residency at the University, do some tutorials and a presentation.

Talking to a visitor at our Open Studios about the emphasis in our culture on the visual, made me think about listening to the allotment. Traffic noise, the occasional squawk from a crow, the wind blowing dried stems, fork against chalk. What is the language for sound? Onomatopoeic, metaphor, synonym… squawk, whistle, whisper, clink, hum…. Can listening open us to a wider experience of a place, a different feel.