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Student Panic in Masters Application Cock-up

Well the Easter break is now over, and I must admit that I didn’t manage to get very much done. With three weeks to spare, which seemed to stretch on into the far distance, I felt sure that I would have my essay finished and a whole stack of paintings completed. The reality however, is that the essay is still only half-finished and I only managed three miserable paintings! However I did managed to frame and enter four paintings to a local art show, all of which were accepted.

Now I’m back at uni its tempting to start panicking. I have applied to another university for a Masters, but today received a polite but firm email informing me that I had missed out my second reference, research proposal and portfolio with the entry form! Somehow I missed the guidelines which informed me what to send – now I must hasten to catch the boat. I must also get a move on and produce a few more paintings. Call myself an artist?!

Another option of course is to settle back and relax – much as I find my fellow students. Few have actually even started the essay, few have submitted the image and text for the degree show catalogue, and there isn’t much evidence of much painterly activity in the studios either! The sun in shining, I have a roof over my head and food on my plate – what else do I need? Answers on a postcard please…