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I was very stimulated by reading the article by Sanam Emami in Interpreting ceramics www.Uwic.ac.uk/ICRC/issue009/articles/01.html), because it touches some of the points I am very interested too.
In the Abstract she states that her work “focuses on the potential of ornament and pattern to interact and blur the line between historical conventions and contemporary life”
I am reading James Trilling's books on ornament and I would like to make mine his idea that sometimes "More is more" (pg 12 of the book Ornament a modern perspective) not " Less is more" like everybody always says today.
I grew up in northern Italy surrounded by geometrical patterns, 18th century's architecture (French inspired) and nature and I have always been interested in ornament (every piece of paper left around ends up covered by doodles.
I am trying to understand how I can apply my idea of ornament to my functional ceramics, and I feel that reproducing my doodles on the surface is simplistic, I would like to study its context and make it part of a big picture. The Islamic world is not part of my background like it is for Sanam. I suppose I am looking for an intellectual discussion about these issues, so that my work can evolve through an aimed project of experimentation.

At the moment I think I do not want to change my throwing technique, my colors and the connection with food and drink , because they are still part of my critical journey and have still potential, but I want to add content and really understand the form.