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I have never felt the need to reference my own life within my artwork.

Of course my life experiences inherently play a part in the artwork I have produced over the past 5 years or so, however, the want to directly document my own life and presence has never arisen. Why now?

People say that your teenage years are the most confusing time of your life. Sure at times it was no picnic but I find myself now, at the age of 22, more confused than I can ever recall being. What do I want to do with my life after university?

It is the looming presence of adulthood which has made me question in recent months the significance of my past in shaping who I am today. Whilst an obvious place to start would be to reference major life events, what I often tend to recall are the little things, things that no one else remembers. I apparently have a knack for remembering the completely insignificant details of my life! It is these details which are not deemed good enough to be recorded, photographed, framed and put in pride of place on the mantelpiece…but I’m interested in them. These details, I believe, are incredibly important in shaping who we are today, transporting us between each happy snapshot concealed within the family photo albums.

Over the past 2 years I have developed a great interest in photographic theory which I have discussed at length in essays and my dissertation. It is this interest which encourages me to consider the role of photography within family life. What I wish to explore as a part of this project is the ability to recall memories when viewing a photograph. What I am hoping is that the old photographs from my childhood shall trigger the little details which I wish to represent.

DISCOVERY shall be at the centre of this project as I consider the various aspects of my life. Not only does this word reflect my feelings about an uncertain future, it also embodies the journey I must embark on, unearthing my past to understand my present in the hope that I find whatever it is I am looking for.