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All went to plan and I collected Kalender on Friday afternoon. After several rather dark issues (I mean in the sense of printing darker than was planned rather than any analysis of their content!) the Palm Sunday Kalender is almost unfeasibly light. It's nice that the publication is meant to reference cheapo fanzines and crappy parish magazines – so, no problem.

Although the print quality leaves something to be desired, I'm quite excited by the potential in the collages I'm starting to develop, even though I go through bouts of self-doubt about them. Those art school crits were useful! But anyway, now that the images exist I can always go back to them once the madness of the Kalender schedule is a thing of the past. And madness it is.

Despite saying in my last post that the weekend would be spent rubberstamping and stapling, in fact none of that has even started and I have so far failed to source the sugar flowers I'm committed to providing as the 'free gift'.

On a more positive note, somehow the Easter edition is practically ready to pdf for the printer … how did that happen?? Probably ia combination of the recent pritt stick frenzy, Trevor nobly documenting a new performance to make a photo-story for the centre spread, and spending the whole day and part of the evening yesterday on those 'final details'….

Oh yes, I don't think I mentioned that the Palm Sunday Kalender is now online –