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My main artist inspiration would have to be Sam Taylor-Wood. I started looking at some of her work in my A-level art then moved on from her at the start of my degree however I find myself constantly coming back to her artwork and becoming inspired.

At first I was just making sculptures and paintings of her photographs, I have now found that my passion lies in photography and installation. I have found a lot of interest in experimenting with Taylor-Woods theories in real life installations and photographs. I tried experimenting with how I could create images to look as graceful as the work she has done without possessing the expertise, tools and experience she has with photo editing technology.

I started by experimenting in water. I found the waters movement made the body and hair appear weightless and graceful. The use of the balloons in this piece was to keep an obvious link to Sam Taylor-Woods work as she uses balloons in a similar way in her ‘Escape Artist’ Pieces. Also the balloons are an obvious relation to weightless I wanted it to appear like it was the balloons that were holding her up in the water.

I then moved on from this, I wanted to achieve what she had achieved in a more similar fashion. She had hung up a model in here studio and then later digitally removed the strings. So I experimented with this technique hanging up a model on strings in a safe environment and then later digitally removing the strings in Photoshop after. Although I was happy with these results as a first attempt it was only a tester and the results are not as good as they could have been with more professional equipment, knowledge of Photoshop and time put into photo editing.