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The tables are coming along okay – I had loads of ideas at the start and then settled on a very simple design that said more than a lot of the complicated ones.

It's a similar idea to the video, about moving around a certain space, what activates the space and the thought process, and also what deactivates it. I'm trying to tap into the viewer's visualisation of a game's theory. Where things go, how it works, and then placing things to interrupt this thought process. These 'interrupts' are largely based on tactile responses and an inherent knowledge of simple games. Dice are to be thrown, tables have things on them, you sit up to the table to play, usually opposite someone, the boards are usually square, a dice thrown on the floor is usually deemed void, out of play, green felt is a common playing surface…

All of these elements can be moved around and by altering them or placing them differently, I can 'upset' this intrinsic familiarity we all have and hopefully stimulate some sort of response.

I had a massive gap while I got folders together for assessment and concentrated on the videos, so I've only recently made this table. I had the materials and also had more ideas in the meantime, so I'm just making them all and seeing what works. I might have one piece, or a group of 5 or 6, but it's good to have a choice. See what works best in the space.