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Recently I discovered this artist, called Klari Reis. She uses techniques of science in her work. Here is a quote from the artist’s website:

‘she is driven by a curiosity and her desire to explore and document the natural and unnatural with a sense of wonder and joy’


All of last year she set herself a project called The Daily Dish, where she used a type of plastic (epoxy polymer / resin) to capture dyes and pigments inside a petri dish.

Reis is similar to Keith Tyson where she’s locking something in a particular state and time. You can see immense detail with tiny threads and shapes, which couldn’t be painted by hand, the material has formed itself. Though they are tiny, they are so similar to Tyson’s Nature Paintings, which are huge.

Reis’s work reminded me of some of my old work I did in college. I used a much simpler process of ink on wet paper. That series of work was purely about experimenting but came up with some attractive results. In my work at the moment I have gone back to using wetter materials like ink and watercolours.