All spirtual traditions teach the same things, using different words. Hence why we are drawn to either this or that, depending on which have a personal resonance for us.

We tend to focus of the differences rather than the similarites, which brings about conflict rather than harmony. Ironically the latter is the key thread they all teach

The collection of pieces for Completion #9 seeks to identify the threads that connect them & us as human beings and draw attention to this as the secular yet connected center, explored through the pieces.

*Everything happens for a reason

*With practice the lowest level of feeling is raised to innate *happiness* as all experience offer meaning & insight.

*We are powerful as individuals but united we are more powerful than the sum of our parts

*The highest state of mind is deliberate pure focus and flow

*Finding the space inside is where the connection happens – surrender to grace.

*Love is the key and heals all things

While installing the work i had an incredibly beautiful out of body experience ‘floating’ above the nave.