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Connecting with nature are our sensory skills with nature dissappearing? This next qoute reminds us of sight, sound, smell, touch, feel, emotions,…

“I have always loved the beach. The smell of the salty water, the wind in my face, the gentle roar of the waves all combine to create a sense of peace and calm.”



Need to add images worked on yesterday also explore Sublime within work find artists who deal with the sublime as I intend to create larger scale works

Today I was also considering ideas that have been emerging from my work relating to the aspects of close up natural elements along the shoreline which would evoke memories on varying levels and a re-conecting with nature (see image of hands)

I will consider possibilities for a ten hand installation… which would involve my own “taking time to stand and stare,” in a personal way that is my tangeble physical response to found natural objects that I am drawn to along the shore line, these I would photo-document, date, time, duration and the order of the findings such as shells, pebbles, sand, drift wood..and incorporate them into the hand sculpture installation.( it may even be that I return these gifts of nature back… having borrowed them for a time )

“One cannot collect all the beautiful shells on the beach; one can collect only a few, and they are more beautiful if they are few”

–Anne Morrow Lindbergh

One other idea is to create a mini video documentation of the shoreline and horizon with accompyaining sound of sea to install into a white space surround to give a sensory experience of being part of and submerged into sight and sound of the sea, to create a subliminal effect of being “transported” many people have their own childhood memories of times at the seaside and this continues through each generation.

Its a fact we spend more than 90% of our lives indoors.http//www.ecopsych.com/insight..

Also the idea to create a portrayal of nature via Media technology fits in with how accustomed we have become as humans to experience nature via T.V. In my dissertation I discussed how writer Guy Debourd and artist Nam June Paik both recognised how Media portrayals led the viewer into passivity, rather than engagement and activity.

I may consider creating within a space an installation depicting how experiencing nature artificially via T.V. is similar to J. Bourriauds ideas of Simularca.Via Media we are still disconnected from nature it is a hyperrealality, this creates a false sense of nature as something other something we are not.Its not a tangeble experience.

Researching on the essentialness of our connecting with nature I came across these ideas and qoutes…

“We are suffering from a kind of collective hypnosis, a cultural trance that prevents us from seeing things the way they really are.” William Irwin Thompson.

A good example here in the past our connection with nature we could sense rain…now we watch the weatherman on tv !!

“let the earth teach us the renewing powers of nature.” Richard Long

54…we have 54 senses we excessivley suffer our disorders because we dont connect with our natural senses with natures grace,balance, and restorative powers that ordinarily help us to remedy our troubles..http//www.ecopsych.com/insight..

“Technology progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal.” Albert Einstien.

“What is the use of a house if you havn’t got a tolerable planet to put it on.” Henry David Thoreau.

“Why do we love the sea? It is because it has some potent power to make us think things we like to think.”

–Robert Henri

“Our memories of the ocean will linger on, long after our footprints in the sand are gone.”
