Viewing single post of blog Furiously Mad: 300 Year of Legal Insanity



Sarra De Crombe

1463 aged 50

Villein and basket seller

My trouble is I take on everyone else’s problems on the estate, and I end up exhausted and overwhelmed by them – I dont leave enough time for myself and my baskets, which actually does help calm me down believe it or not, gathering the willow, soaking it and then the gentle bending and weaving of the stems! And instead I go round getting grumpy and irritable. I go off at the deep end – as it were – using foul language and being generally horrible to those who don’t deserve it, I.e my family! I keep thinking, if only I could remove this stone of folly that sends me into these moods, I would stop worrying so much about others and concentrate on keeping my own folly under control…A decent wage would help mind you and not having to forever work for my master! But thats a utopia I’m dreaming of – feeling miserable and worthless are just the lot of us villeins. At least I have me baskets to fall back on in very hard times….