The HMS website has developed enormously since it was set up last year. I've had lots of positive comments, but there is also the perception we are a bigger organisation than we actually are. In the last few days, visitors have dropped in unnanounced in the belief we are council run – with staff on hand to show people round. Whilst I am happy to help out, I also get a bit annoyed by the number of paid consultants picking my brains for free. I did a fag-packet calculation in 2 mins for one guy which showed that 'affordable' studios one council had in mind. would be out the price range of uncommercial artists. Not sure it was what he wanted to hear.
But I am more than happy to help artists – whether it's to look round HMS or for research. Though I think I will have to make it clearer on the web that we aren't a big publicly funded organisation. Also appointments are a good idea as I don't go in every day, and to be honest, I don't always want to be interrupted.