Viewing single post of blog Setting up 18 studios, Long Eaton, Nottingham

The studios are in much better shape than my house. This week Roger and Gary peeled back our roof to reveal the problems with a dormer which has caused leaks since we moved a year ago. At the same time the plumber came to sort out the bathroom. The leak upstairs is cured, but we have water sprouting in the bathroom. Aahhhh….

What has this got to do with HMS? The admin is always done at home, so any domestic disruptions directly affect my ability to sortt it. Consequently, the website has been neglected and emails have been a bit slow. Instead. I have learned about purlins and the laws of triangulation and gravity feeds. Meanwhile the activity at HMS has been as busy as ever…

We had interviews for the graduate space on the same day as the opening of Sarah Cavani's exhibition. Paul Hirst, a fellow blogger was the successful applicant. His landscapes look even better in the flesh.

Anna Francis, who I met on the research trip to Lille is currently resident curator in Standing Room. She has set up a dating agency 'WLTM' which will pair artists together according to data provided from a questionaire. 6 pairs of artists with the closest matches will exhibit at HMS at the end of August – when they will meet for the first time. The challenge for Anna will be to present the work in a cohesive way. See http://www.standingroom.org
