This is from a diary in May that was the inspiration for this blog.
I have just asserted that I am an artist. I am still an artist. It has taken me since February to decide upont that. I am a mother and I can still be an artist.(Its exciting.) I felt like maybe I was pretending. But I'm not. Its me and I feel alive. I have just given up my studio (its being demolished) but I'm just going to have to be more creative about finding space. I did grieve it for a little while. And then I did a car boot sale to free myself of some clutter. Now the unsold clutter is in my living room. My projectors are stashed in a cupboard in the barn at work. But I feel optimistic. This is because even in the face of exhaustion; motherhood, starting a new full time job; relationship negotiations; I have still managed to be creative.
I went to the studio four times.This wasn't a lot, but enough time to be unfurling some rusty tenticles in terms of creating my own little domain, a space that I could walk into and feel inspired. It was enough time to be getting the coggs whiring in my head about bicycle wheels and bell jars and to be actually walking around and tinkering with materials. It was enough time to spur me on to research kinetic sculpture and talk to people about my ideas.
Travelling is always better than arriving.