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Where am I?

Looking back at my blog I feel my ideas have changed quite abit as the posts keep coming. I started off painting portraits that are one tonal and detecting an emotion that may seem obvious what it is. ‘Invidia’ was my first painting and that started off something that I knew could be develped into something bigger. Looking through my dissertation again helped me develop the idea of using sound in my work. I knew I wanted to use sound in my work because that is the other big part of me, so this project has developed into my journey of my final year at university.

I have thought more about different ways of painting not just painting exactly like a photograph, but painting in a way that I actually now enjoy. Texture was something I was not overally interested in, in my work, but after people complimented it I feel differently. I still am a perfectionist to get proportions right I feel as this year has developed I have learnt not to be fussy outlining, but just paint directly onto the canvas. I did wonder whether painting like that would affect the proportions, but working free-hand it has developed alot more. I can see whats wrong alot more easier, and can resolve problems quicker.

After the first crit review I had on my work, it was big learning curve for my project. I need to paint what ever mood I’m in. After that point was made, I have done more experimentations on media, portrait styles (blurred portraits) and working with video and installation ideas.

What’s happening at the moment?

I am currently painting a portrait of my friend Emily, using a variety muddy fleshy tones. I am hoping to achieve a really dark frightening painting that has that dark element like in Boltanski’s work.

What’s next? I am going to paint three large canvases that show strong emotion, showing a lot of painting technique and hopefully create a soundtrack that fits well with the paintings. I need to think of alternatives if I don’t get the space I want. The main part that I will talk about in the blog next, is whether sound is going to work or not?