Well-Busy day yesterday-travelled back from Wales in time to teach my WEA class. The last class of the course so students just finishing work off

As soon as I finished teaching I went to ASP …SO excited to get into my studio. Beez and a friend and I ripped up the carpet and hoovered the floor a bit. A few fellow studio holders came in for a glass of wine-must start off as I mean to continue!!!

The studio looks loads better already just taking up the carpet. I reckon Im going to be really happy there-just perfect!!!

As for work and exhibitions-titles are more or less sorted work is done-but still lots of loose ends-businnes cards/postcards,tweeking statements etc.

Attempting to do a mega move from studio 22 to studio 1 over the next few days. I can then concerntrate next week on the exhibition. It should all work.

all for now!