Viewing single post of blog Ludic Objects

Captured my video today.

It’s very simple and took just one take.

Working with my old DV camera positioned on the floor surface, objects were introduced to the frame one by one. Clear plastic tubs, red oversize brandy glass, navy blue plastic tub lids, pale blue frilly glass dish and clear glass scalloped platter.

Composition was made within the frame one by one and co-ordinates established from found marks on the floor. I suppose this is the game and I’ve been reading about the origins of snakes and ladders and need to write about this another time.

Having traced a long line of objects, I wanted to make the objects disappear behind the brandy glass through careful positioning and repositioning.

My legs, arms and hands appear, fragmented, positioning the pieces. Legs enter horizontally, arms pass down through the top of the frame vertically.

Brandy glass occasionaly moves of its own freewill – it breathes.

Feel this video needs no edit, just a simple fade in and fade out.

I’m thinking this is a looped video piece for a monitor installed on a floor surface. I’m wondering where this might go and perhaps this piece will form part of a proposal to share the work?

Surprised at how quickly the video work came together and already feel the benefit of participating in this residency opportunity at Karst.

I do like to keep on working on the floor too.
