Tax or not? It’s a question I’ve been asking many artists over the last few weeks and everyone it seems, has a different answer. Most haven’t got a clue (which is a bit worrying)

So – if you are not a self employed artist and pay tax in your ‘normal’ job, do you register with the HM Revenue in the small chance that you may sell work?

All that I could find in a-n’s Knowledge Bank is a Q & A:

Q I’ve started to pick up commissions and paid work, but at what point do I need to register as self employed?

A You are required to register as with the Inland Revenue either when you have started trading – i.e. exchanging money for goods or services, or when you start advertising. As an individual artist you can register as a sole trader and pay tax through the Self Assessment system, you will also pay National Insurance contributions. You can register online and find useful information at www.hmrc.gov.uk

But again – what if you are not self employed and don’t actively seek commissions , paid work or try to sell outside? Apart from being an idiot for not attempting to make a living – should we register as we are seen as trading because we ‘put our work out there?’

I’ve been told you can earn a small amount, but can someone please clear this up as its all a bit vague?