Thinking about making spaces.
Its one week since the end of my residency at KARST.
Activities continue out of the studio, at home, on the sofa and back at the charity shop.
The objects are being returned to be recycled. This time to another charity shop: the hospice shop or pony sanctuary.
I want to be enabled to periodically access another environment, away from home that allows me to capture things. I use the word capture because that’s what I wanted to do via the residency – to capture video but I’m thinking here of capture in a wider sense – more like gaining better control of the work or this idea of ‘ruliness’ as discussed in previous posts.
I’m not saying I won’t be working from home, because I will always work this way and I find that interesting but I think there is potential in exploring additional environments for production.
It was useful to talk to other artists while in the studio. In a conversation with Hannah Jones we spoke about a need to sometimes get in a space temporariliy to test out ideas. Sometimes that space doesn’t meet expectations in terms of outcomes produced and we spoke about a more mobile approach to making spaces.
In terms of development, perhaps I can think of this sensitively in terms of site specifics or simply in terms of bookable spaces, whether that be formal studio space or somewhere like the village hall.