Viewing single post of blog rolling my dung, in four acts

This situation is getting a bit out of hand.

I stand accused of being the devil, sent by a group of devils to single out a religious man to ruin his life! (seriously, this in all seriousness has been left on my answer-machine today) I think he is avoiding taking responsibilities here for his own actions..

Perhaps I should consider after all: to take a lead from Sophie Calle and base a project around this section of my personal life..

This morning he climbed into the locked garden and then onto my window sill..

…of course I called the police and they came quickly

Later in the day I found lots of malicious abuse online on one of my profiles…

…and I spent more hours with the police, the officer tried hard to help. Ultimately I feel a bit alone.

Where and when will this stop please?

How on earth am I meant to be doing work through this? (through being stalked)


Would anyone like to invite me on a residency perhaps?

A safe haven where I can work?

Well, I shall carry on, even if I have to down scale some of this years ambitions. I just can't curl up, that wouldn't be useful at all. Somehow it is the art work that always pulls me out of the deepest ditches that life may throw up from time to time, admittedly I haven't come across one this deep yet. But there's no use in moping. I am scared, yes, but well, that won't earn me medals now will it?

And I want medals, brownie points and general international success please.. I only have 2 more years and will turn old age beyond hope etc… So I already lost yet another year in which productivity ran at about 15%, if that, of what I would have been happy with. It wouldn't help to fret and lose even more time.

I want medals!

Oh, or a residency please. For any casual reader who doesn't know what that is: Simply the artist / I is invited to a location to make art work to help my career and help me develop my art work. Basically it is help to get the artist / I to blossom.

So what does that mean for you?: Well you will know if you are an art organisation, and I suggest you quickly grab your notepad and take this e-mail address: [email protected] and e-mail me quickly to send me an invitation to offer me some shelter.

If however you are a casual art lover..: Perhaps you live somewhere on a farm, near a farm, with some space: an empty garage, and some space for me to sleep.. If so: Invite me! Host me, maybe even feed me (vegetables, bread and fish) I need to get away from a somewhat unpredictable, threatening person who has discovered a penchant for climbing onto my window sill… [email protected]

So much for tonight. there is lots of work to do, I best leap to it.

As I say:

I want medals……!!!!