Tues 19 August. Loofer’s Food and Coffee Place recently opened in the Eastgate mall. Very friendly and sponsors Fairtrade projects. Subtle lighting and jazz.
We’ve both seen an exhibition by students in a shop unit in Chelmsford and liked the energy and ideas. We both need temporary studio space occasionally. Wysing Arts have experimental space for their artists. Currently Basildon town centre is our temporary studio space.
Talked about the intellectual foundation for work and its “juddering” pace with production. I’ve been reading Tom Philip’s “Works. Texts. To 1974”. He describes “suffering the feeling that [his] work…is what [he does] while waiting to find ‘the way’ or ‘[his] own way’”.
There’s progress towards final outcomes to this project. Gordon has a mock up of an A6 publication – pictures and text. I’m editing short videos and sound for the internet. Ideas emerge for a further collaboration focusing on shop mannequins.