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I'm going to attempt to add to this blog each day of the Gresham's residency, even if it's a very short entry. I start tomorrow at 8.50am, and it's one of the late nights so I won't finish until 7.45pm. I hope I'm still standing by the end of the day!

This afternoon I went along for a last-minute briefing and Charley showed me the printmaking equipment. There's a lovely chaotic stock cupboard, and I'm allowed to just help myself to anything I like. Wow … I just hope I get some ideas going so I'm able to make the most of this opportunity.

Although I did quite a lot of printmaking while at art school, it was under the watchful eye of the technician, who was always on hand to sort you out – whether you actually wanted to be sorted out or not! This is different. It's a busy department and I'll have to work things out for myself. Since leaving college I've found different ways of making work, generally based on photography and video, as I haven't had a studio space or access to printmaking/painting facilities. Now I'm being let loose to make as much mess as I like – and it's a bit scary.