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As people finish hanging their work I feel slightly apprehensive that my space still needs a bit of TLC…or not as the case may be.

Last week, with the help of our trusted technician Glen, I was able to wallpaper my space with anaglypta and paint it a (not so lovely) shade of yellow. Since then, however, I have been focusing largely upon trying to sort all of my prints out and so It feels like everything will come together at the last minute.

Many of my elements are already sorted so I do not want to stress myself out too much. My hat stand was also put together last week and I used sandpaper to make it look distressed and old. I have also acquired a small table to put my rotary dial telephone on which, after many bidding wars, I finally received from ebay!

Many elements of my work are from second-hand sources which fits well with my intention for everything to be worn.

I also quite like the idea that other people’s memories are in some way being represented as opposed to just my own. It is this idea that I want people to acknowledge my space in relation to their own lives and so I think acquiring authentic second-hand items adds depth to my choices and decisions about the various elements.

Since my last post, my staircase has been finished; stained, painted and carpeted. All that is left mainly in regards to the wallpaper and staircase is to distress them. I have begun to rip the edges of the wallpaper and it already looks a lot more interesting. The woodwork will just need a bit of sanding down which shouldn’t take too long and it seems there are just a few things in my space that now need touching up.

Standing in my space in it’s current state, I have mixed feelings. I think as it stands the yellow walls really do stand out. The paint has dried a lot darker than I expected and I hope this will not take too much away from the prints once they are up. Ripping some of the wallpaper in the distressing process should hopefully help to break this bold colour up also.