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5th May 2014

After seeing the last set of images turn out so well I wanted to try taking some photos myself. I was able to get hold of 3 lots of ballet uniform, 3 willing models and some masks. I thought of a list of places that would suit my uncanny theme whilst also maintaining the interesting background I was hoping for. I took the models first to the Forrest then to some old ruins in the centre of Ipswich. I thought these places were both interesting as well as not somewhere you would find ballerinas. The ballerinas in the Forrest idea I got from the Collingwood fairies linking back to research in my project proposal right at the beginning of the project.

I took these images in a mix of black and white settings which I changed on the camera and normal colour as well as a mixture of natural and posed positions so I had a good range to look over when editing. Before when I have taking images with only one colour left in I have done it using the colour select function on the camera itself however I did want to move away from this and try and do all the editing on Photoshop. Personally having looked back over some of the images and comparing both ways of doing it I do think each way has its own benefits. Using Photoshop there is too many ways of doing one thing and not all give you the same effect. I think in the future if I want to keep only one colour in the whole photo its best to do that on the camera as you are taking the image. This is a scary thing to do for most artists as there is no undo button. You have to look at the image and take it on the spot, if you want a colour changed after only having the one colour images there is no way of getting the natural colour back. This is why at this stage where I am still unsure of where I’m going with these images I have taken a selection of coloured and black and white images.