a time to decide.
a time to decide wether to drink, eat or go out. i will be going out later, just wether to make later, earlier. if it was earlier, then the descision to be made wound be less involved.
i've been reading and thinking and listening to a cv lecture in semi darkness, which was nice.
oh, then, oh joy ! a letter for the previous owner of the house and it's not an early christmas card, but a letter demanding money. i say, the cheek of some people. i wound the woman up at the office of the lender, she was insistant that i shouldn't have opened the letter. i kept saying i wanted to put them straight. if there's a dispute we can all listen to the recording. i wonder if they record the bits when you are on hold. i so curse so much, waiting for an option i don't know exists yet i need to find one that fits. wow, western world certainly has advanced to a higher plane.
yes an interesting day here.
i never commented about the talk i went to last week.
there, done that.
going to leave the production of stuff alone for a while. there's reading to do young man and a seminar to present and then write up, and i want to be write on for it. oh yes it does get as corney as that.
so, a cup of tea or not ? …