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Collecting More Keys

While running last night had a minor epiphany, LOCKSMITHS! surely locksmiths the people who remove locks and keys should have a supply of old ones just hanging around… its a thought…

Bright and early this morning yellow pages in one hand, tea in the other I set to work phoning all my local locksmiths. Explaining what the keys are for was fun "you want them for what love?" " art? old keys?" After some laughter, a bit of consternation, and a flea in my ear about calling emergency locksmiths with what was definitely not an emergency, I happened across a couple of very friendly helpful guys.

Apparently the problem is we're all too green these days… all old keys are recycled, as brass is worth a bit of brass. Steel keys, they are the ones sat on shelves going dusty. One lovely chap is going to collect keys for me and give me a call when he’s got a box full, and the other has 30 for me right away… Its not quite the 200 I need but its another move forward.

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