St. Patrick's day. Feeling pretty despondent. Had a frustrating couple of days. Kenny and now Dominic, who are helping me, are finding it difficult to make progress quickly. Although they seem to have spent some time trying to push on, things are not as straightforward as they seem. I had hoped to move on to the next stage by now, which is to actually start to test the range and signal outside. This will help me determine my route and how far I can go for the live run. I also need to practise the route. To get a feel of it, I went out yesterday (Monday) late afternoon and did 10 laps (14km) around the perimeter of the Banff Centre. It was hard work as it includes a steep climb, but it was great to see 2 deer watching me each time I went round!
Yesterday we also had a brief meeting about the Open Studios next week. I’m getting very nervous about this as I am nowhere near where I would like to be and it’s difficult to plan ahead. As well as the live streaming of the run, if it ever works, I’d like to show one of the recorded runs as a 2-screen projection. It should be straight-forward but I can’t seem to find a space that will accommodate it. My own studio space is too small.
We were told about other spaces that we can use if we need to. The problem with these is that most of them are formal single-screen projection studios. Although they have great systems within them, they are difficult to adapt to more than one screen. Other suggested spaces don’t seem suitable either: ‘The Other Gallery’ is a small ‘L’ shaped gallery, where it's possible to show 2 projections, but only far apart. My screens need to be at right angles to each other to get that sense of the view from each eye and of immersion. Using the corner of a room would be fine as an alternative, but can I find one? The only other space is an empty studio which has large skylights and an open top (unfortunately Greg from our group had to leave abruptly at the weekend for personal and health reasons).
I’ll make a point of speaking with someone 1st thing tomorrow as I’m really concerned and a little stressed. Spent most of the afternoon and evening today trying to make a go of it in my studio and was fairly optimistic at one point. I blacked out my window and its lovely view and covered it with a large sheet of white paper cut to size. It looked great. The adjoining wall has already been covered with paper, so it looks fine on the surface. Unfortunately, I can just get far back enough to project an acceptable image size onto the window screen, but not onto the adjoining side wall, even using a mirror. Feeling low and over-tired. Hope tomorrow's better.