I began this piece very early on in my project and it has been a very slow work in progress ever since. It is the first layer of the largest scale piece I have created to date and I chose black as the base colour because my work area is predominantly white, so it creates a vibrant contrast.
This piece was created to be circular because I wanted more of a challenging aspect in my work, and the larger the circle, the harder it is to keep the symmetry of the design.
The problems I have been faced with is getting a large enough piece of paper in order to create it. So i took rolls of black paper and stuck them together painstakingly in order to create it.
The pattern is mostly influenced again my religious art, especially Islamic in which circles feature very dominantly. One of the main features of Islamic art is its use of geometric designs which I have adopted and used in my own work. By using the circle as a shape, the geometric patterns as the design and the layers that I can continue adding again and again I have created a sense of infinity, and endlessness.