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I had left the elastic in my studio – I wondered if there was more I wanted to do before taking it down, and I wouldn’t want to string it all up again at this point! We thought it would be a fitting finale to this stage of our collaboration to get into the web one more time, or better, for me to get stuck and for Darren to cut me out. We were fully aware of all the possible connotations of this but knew it would be both celebratory and cathartic.

We positioned the camera to keep Darren and the large pair of scissors out of the frame. We were expecting – and I was braced – for the elastic to spring and whip, but for me to be freed. Rather, the elastic contracted and I became more entangled. The ensuing battle to escape, maybe a tantrum, was a surprise to both of us.

The potential for movement in the elastic continues to expand in our minds and to fascinate us.