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During level 5 I started working mainly with collage and paint, moving on from music influenced work, I began focusing on the beauty and glamour side of the media.
I liked to take the majority of my imagery from glamour and fashion magazines. The photoshop perfect bodies and faces have always amazed me. As a teenager I was a tomboy and Vogue or the like would have been the last magazine I picked up and I had my head stuck in Q or NME most the time perving at the newest indie band.
Looking at the models and ideals in the fashion and celebrity magazines I could see how young girls could easily be influenced into thinking that this is how they should look and that if they didn’t, that there was something wrong with them.
Also the lack of any identity with the models, apart from the odd one, all their faces easily blended into indistinguishable clones. I use the eyes from the models and also the eyeless faces as to me, a lot of our soul and individuality is in the eyes. By removing and rearranging the eyes it gives a more sinister feel, which I feel is impacted by using the monoprint backgrounds I had made.