Since having my Blog presentation it did knock me back, as i felt there wasn’t any positive response towards my work or what i had achieved so far. Instead it made me want to reject doing my blog. So i started looking through my old sketch books for some sort of inspiration and to see if i could find anything to help me with my work. I did come across some images that i had researched before on Pablo Picasso and his use of tone with regards to his blue and rose period.

These different periods represented the emotional and physical effects that Pablo Picasso experienced and encountered throughout his life. And i suppose everyone and some point in there life can relate more to a `blue’ painting or a `rose’ painting.

By creating a mind map, i could visually explore the extensive meanings behind the key words ROSE, BLUE and PERIOD. Funnily enough the word that i could connect to my work was period, but not in the same respect as Picasso, but in the laterally meaning of a woman’s monthly cycle.

Period is something that only a women can experience. It is one of the many things that makes up a women. The images of women that i have been researching are represented differently to what society classes as the natural idealized female, due to there masculine bodies. Nevertheless they are still women and have period.  Which initially gave me the idea of painting just the torso of a muscular body in red (representing droplets of blood), but the body can nether be identified as male or female.