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How did I feel about using a Blog as a sketchbook?

Well… it was certainly an interesting new piece of software to learn and it wasn’t easy to learn straight away because there was a lot of technical issues and problems with uploading videos and images but after a few weeks I was ok. Once I properly understood how to use at least most of the technicalities of the Blog I was more than happy to get going with posting. I began to first post some old works to reflect on and how this inspired me to creating some new works in which I posted after.

How did the Blog help me?

It really did feel like a 21st century sketchbook where you can put anything on such as videos of process and videos of artist research. In normal sketchbooks you cannot do this which I find a bit annoying because when it comes to showing off the process of work to a teacher or anyone, They do not know the full story. But now I am happier than ever for people to see more of my working process and seeing everything in great detail.

Is the blog a good way of keeping a portfolio of work?

Yes I would say it is a magnificent way of showing off all the work that people have ever done in their whole life and the good thing is that it will always be there safe and sound. Sometimes there might be some works of mine that are not relevant anymore towards what I am trying to make but at least it is documented in the Blog. This way nothing is lost at all and at the end of the day I have this bid portfolio of work which I could use for interviews for a job or a course instead of carrying all my work with me!

What will I do in the future after Critical Review ends?

Hopefully I can still carry on using this blog like a sketchbook but obviously I will still do a normal sketchbook because its all part of the practical creativity as well. Hopefully when I start my masters degree, I can use this blog for that and keep producing more work to show on the blog for people to see and to help myself understand my practice more as an artist. using this blog really helps me understand myself more as an artist because it is a lot easier to see all my work on the blog than it is in a sketchbook.

What have I learnt from all of this?

well… I have certainly learnt a lot more skills when it come to uploading images in the right formats and scales and also how to create more nice videos to show for people to watch. In research terms it has enabled me to understand other artists work and what other artists do as an artist. Seeing what other artists do gives me a bigger insight of how I can make my work more unique and making myself better.

seeing how other artists do their work makes me wanna just be more free and make me wanna express more personal feeling into my art work. Despite having my laptop stolen at the time when I was doing this module, I have still enjoyed this critical Review very much and made me wanna just keep going to producing more ideas and work despite anything going wrong. This module had taught me something very valuable for my future and will always have something nice to show to anyone and I will always keep going!