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I have begun to work without the aid of a grid on my canvas as I was finding it restrictive. For this work above, I have a number of separate images I have drawn onto the canvas in pencil and then outlined in paint. I may not have left enough room for two more characters in the top right and left corners which may incidentally make some of the characters seem out of proportion in relation to the others. This is the result of not using a grid or enough planning but it is also more exciting not knowing how the painting will go. I have chosen four images from the Film Guardians of the Galaxy. I am not sure whether this will work as well as a single face. Maybe there will be too much for the viewer to take in, however isn’t that what Cinema can be! One of these characters is part Racoon and another a Tree, so it is a bit of a departure from my usual human faces.

I am still concerned with the emotion of the individual as opposed to any cinematic shot or representation. It just so happens that they are characters in a film. I have returned to using brushes to apply the paint, sometimes adding more medium to encourage the paint to ooze and drip. I tend not to match the colours exactly, preferring to concentrate on tone. I have improved at mixing colours knowing when to add more red or blue to make a cooler or warmer tone. Painting on the green background has been successful so far and I may leave blocks of green showing through. Initially the green base was inspired by Chantal Joffe but I also think it an apt colour to use in relation to the CGI Green Screen employed in films. Perhaps there is a way I could project onto the plain green sections of the canvas, combining film and paint together.