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I use a lot of blood in my work… but never bones. These are merely bleached chicken bones, and the blood is from chicken livers; but many people have gazed at it and felt a sense of fear (from the feedback I have amassed at least). Its very crude, very raw, and I think sometimes its important to be raw with work… just a pink background, jarred by these protruding bones, splattered with blood… it was fun to make.

Blood is an important part to my art work because it is the life-fluid, it is the thing that keeps us alive. But it is also the thing that is often spilled in domestic violence, be it by puncture, scratches or worse; sexual injury. I made sure to correlate the feathers in this with the bed piece I have made, which also uses feathers, which I find innocent, delicate, and horrid to see bent and broken and stained. I adore them.