The method and ideas behind the ‘suit’
For the suit I chose latex not for it’s sometimes direct sexualised connotations, hence the reason I didn’t apply the mixture straight onto the body. Initially I wanted to create a form with no real sexual identity. I casted the body applying cling film first to flatten and conceal female associated areas. However the mod rock and clay did not work efficiently with the cling film.
I attempted the the mould again without cling film and applied plaster on the inside of the mould in four particular areas eliminating lines and shapes. Although essentially the shape of the breasts is still apparent the nipple that we usually associate with breast-feeding, porn, feminisity and sexulatity was illuminated and through that it allowed another alternative perspective as they no longer have a sexual/reproductive purpose… The latex was poured into the cast, which created organic formations on the inside of the suit. I felt tested to turn the suit inside out but provided myself space to think, by taking a step back and ‘really looking’. ‘I realised markings were very important like the mark of a woman/or a man, the idea that a creature could be so close to human but born from a different nature was something that the marks revealed. The textured markings created through the process of making became it’s new ‘birth rights’. The mod rock left a square imprint, and chest bones between two lumps that are no longer recognisable on the human body. Other marks such as pealing, areas that looked like pores, but more protruded, as if there is a potential for other feathers to spout from.
The idea of a subtle armour also occurred to me like a beetle shell . The aim is to create a form that has an alien appearance, not an angel as we might perceive, but a form of one. The being to have black eyes, although after much investigation, black eyes are mostly to do with evil, in other cultures however grace, the devil is perceived to have black eyes, ghosts that have been blind-folded/or blinded in some way before death and other malevolent forces to have these connotations. I also thought there was room for a being where the lines are blurred to whether the thing is ‘good’ or evil’. Which in some ways are reflexive of the ‘wastelands’, in the sense of its crazy mix-matched beauty. I had often fought with myself to whether such tragedy, could be beautiful. The thought of blindness resonated blindness resonated with me. Lemon Man has greatly influenced me especially with the creature . Mike Stone is partially sighted, I would never know whether this has an impact on his writing but somehow I think it does. Stone has an edge on other writers, its as though he has discovered a dimension that is vacant in other works that apply similar methods. I believe Stone in some less obvious ways has provoked me into applying the use of portals through my ideas and video work. His unique approach to writing, taking the formality of consecutive narratives, written in building blocks one after the other, yet, these narratives magically could be happening at the same time. The characters are mirrors of each other Russell John Lemon man. Its quite odd and not at all repetitive, and at the same time natural even though he also covers a supernatural element. Similar to the human body, like the relationship skin has with hair or a mole. That’s probably a boring comparison but when looked at in the idea of things the hair and mole accompany the same vessel being that of the skin, and although there can be oddness to a mole it seems to be a natural object on the skin even with its potential to morph. When morphed becomes an object of fear yet our associations are still attached to the skin, and at the same time removed, it becomes alien, even with its removal, it leaves a mark.
Sealing two halves of the suit together and finishing baby heads…
Just the two halves of the upper legs to sew together now . My intention is to sew the legs tightly so that when I apply latex in layers tomorrow over the rest of my legs that the two will knit together. I didn’t originally chose to cast lower legs as I thought that the latex wouldn’t give enough whilst suiting up. But on reflection I wish hadn’t casted the top legs so that it would fit into the natural creases just under the bottom. But I can also consider a granary stone to blend the rim that finishes on the top of the legs, with my skin by making thicker areas thin, then apply latex in thicker layers on my lower legs. I noticed in the performance the upper leg of the suit lifted revealing ‘ knee high socks’ but also playsuit connotations, which I didn’t think worked well. I knew the actions would reveal me as human somewhat because of the wear and tear of the performative acts. And this is something that interests me. The tearing and revealing added to the piece however the stark lines that showed up on the footage and photographs in later scenes weren’t working and appeared amateur. However through the first of I hope many series of pieces regarding an idea of a black eyed, pigeon feathered angel, I think its important to allow trial and error, otherwise nothings learnt. What I have learnt is that I should have applied body paint everywhere before putting on the wear just incase of exposure. And If I were to keep the suit as it is, triple stitching to prevent the suit from loosening and spend more time on the leg area with gold body paint then apply latex in layers.