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the photo society i’m a member of have a presidents exhibition to which i have submitted some images.

getting the images ready has been good for me as i’ve gone back over the images i’ve made and reconnected to the ones i most like.

my expereince of the photo society circuit so far has demonstrated an importance of technical ability in preference to creative expression.  i might be biased and i might be a little uninformed as my photo society journey is somewhat in it’s initial stages.

i feel a little disappointed that my confidence is such that this is as high as i feel i can achieve and there is a real risk that the images i submit are going to get nowhere.  i have after all submitted 3 images that are out of focus.

i’m calling them my lost series


i need something from the photo society and i’m not a hundred percent certain what it might be.  to begin with it was somewhere to regularly go.  then it was feeling comfortable in the space and with the people there.   as a photo society it does eventually become about images.  i’ll know in about 10 days if the images were accepted and what comments were made about them.  in my fantasy i’ll win and be amazing and never before has a newcomer won so much so quickly.


i love fantasy while it lasts.