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Well since I last blogged, I still haven’t done much painting. The second Cyprus trip was purely for fun and relaxation but did confirm that it’s a lovely place to go. Will definitely be returning.

On arrival back home had to really quickly get painting to provide work for an exhibition by a fellow MA student’s professional practice module. This was one unexpected result.

I had this image in the back of my mind. I reworked an old painting which I had previously not known how to complete. A memory of the words my brother spoke to me back in 1990 drifted back and became the catalyst for the finished  image. I think it may be my ultimate goodbye to Andy.

Anyway it went into the exhibition. I purposely want it to be enigmatic and for the viewer to put their own interpretation on the subject. So the title is part of the mystery. I also gave her  two large square impressionistic works based on a visit to Norfolk sand dunes and a reworked version of Neptune Quay in Ipswich.

These four were submitted in a hurry and again lethargy set in but only briefly. The next move was to set up a summer studio space in the Arts Block at Suffolk Uni. A bit deja vu….as it was almost exactly where I had my space during my BA days. My good friend Sarah Bale has grabbed the space next to me and I’m looking forward to spending a lovely creative summer there. I made a start yesterday. Not sure where it’s going but just got stuck in and hope the paint will show me where to go next. Will blog on the results as they happen.