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I am drifting. Having spent so many months intensely focused on my ACE funded project, Through An Artist’s Eye, I am now adrift.

I’m also not well. Winter lurgy (my second of the season) is compounding this sense of distancing – the outside world seems remote and fuzzy. I pad about in slippers and an odd assortment of bed and day clothes lacking the necessary coordination for stepping over the doorstep.

I have some intensive parenting to take care of too. Stuff which is so important I can’t afford to get drawn too deeply into my work for the next week or so.

The studio in any case will be freezing.

So I’m blogging to fan the embers. I’m blogging to tell myself I’m really not as far away from my practice as I feel right now – and it’s true. I’ve been gathering kindling in my own slow and unmethodical way. I think as artists we have to trust ourselves in these moments of seeming inaction.

I know that I’m processing – that I have so much to pull from all my recent experiences that it’s difficult to find my way.

But exciting prospects hover close by.

For now I’m happy to make hot chocolate and drift.