Anteros arts foundation
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Saturday, April 1, 2017
11-15 Fye Bridge Road, Norwich NR3 3BG 1LJ
East England
Corrin Tulk

Corrin Tulk is passionate about creating bold, abstract oil paintings that reflect the spirit of a place. She is interested in coastal landscapes and sacred, ancient pathways and her paintings often feature a predominance of Cobalt colours. Inspiration for Michelle Daniel’s current work comes from an interest in the surfaces of the planets in the solar system:  recent images from the International Space Station and from the “Otherworlds” photography exhibition at the Natural History Museum have inspired both form and surface in her work for this exhibition. She says “The use of ‘Cobalt’ made planet Earth the obvious choice for my studies”. Ann Lamb loves to design nature inspired jewellery in silver and gold with enamels and gemstones. She is fascinated with pattern and colour combinations and likes a bit of ‘sparkle’.