Viewing single post of blog Sustainable Printmaking at home and abroad

So part of this project is gathering ideas from far away and exotic lands, but much of it is also about using what you have in a sustainable way that’s good for the planet… or better at least.

So before I left for the Land of Green Ginger, (well accurately, the Land of Chipotle, Chocolate and coffee… ) I went to visit a great pal who had discovered a dyer’s patch in the gardens she is tending this summer, and so we hatched a plan inspired by an article sent between my dear Ma and her sister over 30 years ago… THE GREAT WOAD HUNT!

So, over the Summer Anna will be nurturing hedgerow colours of the plants from her garden and we’ll get together in September to harvest, process and print these natural wonders at Schumacher College in Devon. Can’t wait!