Portsmouth Cathedral
Monday, October 16, 2017
Sunday, October 29, 2017
Saint Thomas's Street, Portsmouth, Hampshire.
South West England

Finding Peace at Portsmouth Cathedral
We live in a hectic world and sometimes it feels impossible to find any peace.   A photography exhibition at Portsmouth Cathedral aims to show how we can all find some peace in our minds.

The work displayed at the Cathedral in October will encompass abstract and contemplative photography, plus an interactive electronic installation which shows the participant what it feels like to be still and calm.

The exhibition, by artist Ailsa Brims, will take place in the foyer and Ambulatory of the Cathedral from Monday 16th October to Sunday 29th October during normal opening hours. The Cathedral is both modern and historic.  It is a religious building but also a vibrant public space where a wide range of activities take place.

There will also be two free half day workshops to explore and practice contemplative photography, a style that is not about technique or equipment but about learning to slow down and take pictures that really resonate with how you are feeling.

Ailsa has spent the year visiting Portsmouth Cathedral regularly in an attempt to capture the feel of the building.

“I quickly realised that my normal street style was not appropriate here and I have been developing other, more ethereal styles which better capture the wonderful space and light in the Cathedral.”  Ailsa said.

“Everyone at the Cathedral have been very supportive and encouraging with this exhibition and are really excited to see the results of my work.   Plus I have Arts Council funding the free workshops so people can learn more about my contemplative style of photography”.

“We live in such a hectic world, I hope I can show how it feels to be really present and find some peace with my exhibition.”

The workshops are on Saturday 21st October 9.00 am – 12.00 noon or Saturday 28th October 9.00 am – 12.00 noon at the Cathedral. Refreshments provided. Places are limited and booking is essential via Eventbrite – links and more information on the website – or find Ailsa on Twitter /AilsaBrims   Facebook /AilsaBrimsArt or Instragram /AilsaBrims