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Viewing single post of blog Ness of Brodgar Artist’s Residency 2023

One of those days when the morning is so stimulating that it doesn’t matter if rain stops work in the afternoon. Sinead, the supervisor in Structure 10 came to tell me that they had just uncovered a beautiful stone axe.  It was still in situ and I was able to establish myself with sketchbook and sound recorder before everyone else arrived to admire the find.

So I have drawings of the stone, Therese who found it, and three showing her hands working with a leaf trowel, plus 30 minutes of sound covering her delight, many comments from others, the numbering and preparations for photography.

Although working on the ‘outside’, more concerned with the people than the archaeology, I feel fully integrated into the workforce on site and able to share the excitements of discovery.  Jo Bourne’s comment sums it up:

“Everybody gets excited about finding something – and the things that we find are really precious to us. But they are all of our finds really. They’re the finds of the Ness and everyone who works here.

For the full story read the Dig Diary at www.nessofbrodgar.co.uk