Viewing single post of blog a-n bursary: Another Realness

My work on the Robin’s eye was a way of testing if you could navigate an audience using a visual effect over the camera feed.  At first I  looked for AR compass apps, then Peter from VR Craftworks suggested I try instagram filters. They work! Revelation! Have been trying to test this for ages. Thought it meant full on app making, but no. The most interesting ones mutate the feed itself. Noticing how people in the real world appear clearly but with a halo of the filter effects around them – my brain deciding what is most important for me to see.

The only problem is the mirrorless Quizzer reduces the binocular overlap by around 20 degrees because the phone gets in the way.

Ways of solving this new problem: find a lens that allows us to hold the phone closer to our eye, add an extra mirror, make a periscope, use a separate tiny monitor…..