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Bakani and I played with the image of a blind spot, projecting out of the back of the body, the central spinal line. This spot could vary in height between waist and back of head and in distance from the body.

Turning around, to behind, turning back to both catch and to move that spot that lies outside of the body. A game that activates immediately.  Turns the body round, direct, fast, or one can suspend, slow the turning and lean back into this invisible force that becomes a sensation.

a body imagines something outside of it.it is of the body, a prosthesis of the body. And it becomes real. We both said it is real.

blind spot like an invisible connecting force, that twists, turns the body around its axis – a play with gravity and blind spot image.

and vision is affected, the eyes are either drawn around to the right or to the left as the body turns or are drawn back, into the back, they allow the back to lead, to be seeing.