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Shared Visual Experiences and Thinking Through Art is the abbreviation for SVETTA Art Club for NHS staff working at Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Foundation Trust.

Today (31st March 2021) is the last day of the project and I am uploading my artist’s response to the social media channels. It was a fascinating experience mixed with enormous efforts and challenges.

Below is my artist’s response to the virtual art residency at the mental health hospitals across the trust. There were twelve unforgettable and extremely demanding weeks with experiences in art processes, delivery of art workshops via virtual reality, organising online show and Private View, when the  internet connection dropped in the middle of my presentation. Twelve inspiring videos were created within twelve weeks. All changes to initial proposal had positive outcomes. The physical exhibition is postponed due to restrictions of the COVID19 pandemic.

I have explored possibilities of incorporating animation into my art practice. My artist’s response include a few studies of different techniques.

Participants of the SVETTA Art Club created over 120 artworks, the club is growing and will exist beyond the SVETTA project. It was recognised by the Trust’s Leadership and members of the board have joined the group.


Artist’s Response includes:

  1. three minutes animation

2. Compilation of nine artworks


The Art Club outcome are

  1. SVETTA project online show with more than 120 artworks

2. The PV video

3. The Art Club for CPFT staff will continue beyond the project.




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