No outer islands today on the horizon but the inner ones are sunning themselves beautifully amongst the still waters in the bay.

Charcoal Landscape from Lochbay, Waternish, Isle of Skye

(What3words location: headline.tearfully.noisy)

The Sketchbook Project is the world’s largest collection of artist sketchbooks and is housed in Brooklyn, New York. Many are digitised and available to view from wherever you are, and the actual sketchbooks are often taken around the States on tour of educational establishments. Continuing from my first sketchbook (Fairy Bridge to Lochbay), I’ve started from Lochbay and am sketching from the passing places along the single-track road leading to Stein and Dunhallin. Each location is noted with the what3words app, and you can see the location of today’s sketch above.

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