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Looking at sea glass and pebbles and wondering whether to experiment with something that changes quicker into another form. If we look at sea glass and pebbles they get worn down over a long period of time but with leaves, the cycle is more visible to the eye. I want this next piece to be a lot freer than previous work, just to let it flow more and not think too much about it.

Using materials that I have already and in easy reach, I have decided to use clay and real leaves for this piece. I want to be able to display the clay leaves on the wall somehow, and to symbolise how it will change form at some point like the real leaves, this is why I have used unfired clay.

I had some dried leaves from my garden and decided to create the pieces out from real leaves. With them being dry it has given them the ephemeral effect I am hoping for.

I made the vessel starting with marking round the shape of the leaf, building up the sides and then removing the inside of it, hollowing it out. This reminded me of how I like to build up layers and then remove them. Using the leaves to press into the clay I really liked how some of the leaves stuck and that in time they will drop off and rot away, changing its form, another layer removed.

I then started to think about how to install them.

I like the way this really just simply shows an ephemeral space, bringing it into a four walled environment to give the message that nothing lasts forever.

Firstly I just poured the leaves out of the bags onto the gallery floor, this looked messy, I wanted to show some form and structure, like a leaf has, I laid each leaf individually overlapping each other to create a square, I did experiment with creating different shapes but decided on the square. I am really pleased with how this has developed.

Looking at this work installed, I realise how important it is to have space around the clay leaves and real leaves. I hope that my work gives a sense of calm to the viewer and I think adding space and not over complicating the work, of it being of a theme of nature helps create the effect I am trying to achieve.