I’ve been asked to run two workshops for young people ( 16 -24 year olds) Any topic, as long as its something I’m comfortable with.
The first one is on making hand made books, but now the organisers think it might be ‘too old’ for that age group. Although its not til September, I’m reluctant to change it. It is on the Museum website, but young people generally don’t search webpages, so I’ll have to make sure it goes on social media and vamp it up a bit.
I’ve just thrown in the random topic of ‘junk jewellery’ for the second workshop , desperately hoping that’s more appealing to their age group.
16 -24 is such a difficult age group. Younger, and you can make ‘fun things…older, you can teach virtually any skill… but in between…. ??
So my task this afternoon is to write some blurb that makes junk jewellery sound absolutely amazing…. without sounding desperate .