Viewing single post of blog Waders and sketchbook

There’s a slipway that I can access the river by, saving me the walk along the Thames. Once again I silently blessed my friend for her waders as, stepping off the side of the ramp (the submerged bit looked too slippy) into fast flowing water, I lost my footing and ended up sitting, waist-high, but completely dry, in the river!

The plants that grip onto the river walls and banks, surviving a twice daily submersion at high tide, have really caught my attention. Like Buddleia that grows in cities, in gutters, walls or concrete, any derelict space, it’s remarkable that these plants have been able to germinate and grow against all odds. They seem to represent the plant world at this time, struggling with their environment and everything it throws at them. I am drawn to their vulnerability and yet their tenacity and ability to survive.