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On the days I go to the river, its usually sunny and everything glitters. It feels like a haven, a piece of wilderness in the middle of urban London. Visiting it reminds me of a book by Rob Cowen, Common Ground, in which the author explores some waste ground near his home, only to discover endless plants and animals living a parallel life. The Crane is a well kept wilderness, thanks to the incredible work of a number of dedicated environmental groups, such as Friends of the River Crane, and the local residents, who devote weekends to maintaining and improving it as a natural habitat. But known only really to locals, it stays a well kept secret and walks along some sections of the river can be completely without another soul in sight.

Alongside my plant drawings, in my studio I have been doing some painting of the river from where I have stood in the water, trying to capture the sense of being away from the hubbub of town life: the steep banks holding it back and the verdant, overhanging plants and twinkling water creating a miniature world of escape.

Wanderings on river, oil on canvas


Where kingfishers go, oil on canvas         Down here up there, oil on canvas